Step 3: Select the simple text box option from the menu, or you can also draw a text box. Step 2: Click on the text box option as shown: It is hidden somewhere in the appdata folder (I don’t have a win PC at hands so I can’t check exactly where, maybe Local/Microsoft/template but really I don’t remember) but it’s somewhat limited and, no idea why, it won’t always work as expected. Step 1: Select the insert option from the navigation menu. The simplest but limited way would require you to change the default.dotm template’s background-color that Word uses each time it opens. How to add a background color to the textbox in MS Word? Adding background color to the text box makes your document more attractive and in a highlighted way. It provides many different beautiful background colors for the text box. Text comes with various features like text box border color, background color, styles, etc. Text box brings attention to your piece of text, and you can also move your text around the document. In MS Word text box is a feature that allows us to create a resizable box according to our requirement in which we can add images, text, headlines, videos, and many more.
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